segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

L makes fangirls (and some boys) spazz, trufax! XD
(via cupcake-fighting)

(via fuckyeahdeathnoto)
(via fuckyeahwammyshouse)
L’s (and Light’s) lying at its finest. |D


This is too adorable for words~
(via filodm)
by xxtjxx@deviantart

I hope you guys prefer the cleaner, more simplistic wallpapers. :)
I don’t remember if I’ve posted this or not.
That about ends the “real L” spam. :) Now onto the cavity-inducing spam request!

Send in your requests here.
by Harusaki@deviantart
by MierRav@deviantart

Nothing like a squeeing L prancing about in candyland to mark the end of our sugar addict L spam. I hope you guys enjoyed all the spamming. :D
I dig this!!! But wouldn’t L be their professor at his age? XD

O Sebastian não ligaria de dividir...

D’aww this is adorable. xD

kawaii ~~ x3



I could do with one of those right now.

Os outros em dúvida de qual festa ir, e vc em dúvida de que anime assistir...

Esqueceu de fazer a lição de casa é?

Ikuto seu lindo!


Não sei se nessa hora me emocionei ou ou se ri!

Me apaixonei por esses dois...

Nesse ep, fiquei aliviada quando ouvi isso!